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Easy to Get in but Impossible to Rise Up


Every "That's What She Said" Ever

That's What She Said!

# Episode Speaker Straight line
2.02-1 Sexual Harassment Michael Jim: "No thanks, I'm good."
2.02-2 Sexual Harassment Michael Pam: "My mother's coming."
2.02-3 Sexual Harassment Michael Jim: "Wow, that is really hard."
"You really think you can go all day long?"
"Well, you always left me satisfied and smiling..."
2.10 Christmas Party Michael Kevin: "Why did you get it so big?"
2.12-1 The Injury Dwight Doctor: "Does the skin look red and swollen?"
2.12-2 The Injury* Michael Oscar: "You should put butter on it."
2.17 Dwight's Speech Michael Dwight eats grapes.
2.21 Conflict Resolution Michael Angela: "You already did me."
3.01 Gay Witch Hunt Michael Himself: "Put this matter to bed."
3.03 The Convention# Michael Jan: "I can't stay on top of you 24/7."
3.05 Initiation* Stanley Michael: "They taste so good in my mouth."
3.10 A Benihana Christmas Michael Waitress whispers in his ear.
3.12 Traveling Salesmen Dwight Michael: "I want you to think about it long and hard."
3.18-1 Cocktails Michael Jan: "Let's just blow this party off."
3.18-2 Cocktails Jan Herself: "Why is this so hard?"
3.21 Product Recall Michael Himself: "I need two men on this."
3.23 Beach Games* Everybody except Michael Michael: "Dip it in the water so it'll slide down your gullet more easily."
4.02 Dunder Mifflin Infinity Michael

Himself: "Can you make that straighter?"


Dunder Mifflin Infinity

Michael Himself: "That job looks hard."
4.02 Dunder Mifflin Infinity Michael Himself: "You should put your mouth on that."
4.04 Money Michael Himself: "And up comes the toolbar."
4.07-1 Survivor Man Michael Himself: "That's what I said."
4.07-2 Survivor Man Jim Michael: "I say things like that to lighten the tension when things sort of get hard."
4.08-1 The Deposition Michael Himself: "Come again?"
4.08-1 The Deposition Michael Lawyer: "And you were directly under her the entire time?" (2×)
4.08-2 The Deposition Stenographer Reading back Michael's testimony.
4.09-2 Dinner Party Michael Jan: "Well, you are hardly my first!"
4.12 Did I Stutter? Michael Dwight: "Force it in as deep as you can."
4.14 Goodbye, Toby# Michael Holly: "It was easy to get in but impossible to rise up."
5.01 Weight Loss# Jim Dwight:"Hold it in your mouth if you can't swallow."
5.01 Weight Loss* Michael Jim: "It's gonna be tight."
5.04 Crime Aid Michael Himself: "It squeaks when you bang it."
5.05 Employee Transfer Michael Holly: "Don't make it harder than it needs to be."
5.06 Customer Survey Pam Kelly: "Dwight, get out of my nook!"
5.13 Stress Relief^ Michael Himself: "Oscar, would you reach over and touch his thing?"
5.16 Golden Ticket Dwight David Wallace: "This is huge."
5.25 Café Disco# Michael Himself: "I can't force you to go down, but I can entice you."
6.02 The Meeting Michael Jim: "Instead you screwed me."
6.03 The Delivery Michael Jim: "Put it away."
6.20 New Leads Michael Darryl: "You need to get back on top."
6.23 Body Language^ Oscar Michael:"Oh. Eso es lo que dice, el!"
6.26 Whistleblower Michael Michael: "Get it up. That's what..."
7.03 Andy's Play# Michael Michael: "I can't, Andy. It's too hard."
7.06 Costume Contest Dwight Dwight: "The trick is to do it face down with the post in your mouth."
7.08 Viewing Party Michael Gabe: "Michael, you're making this harder than it has to be."
7.09^ Michael Himself: "Oscar is my queen. That's easy, gimme a hard one."
7.14 The Seminar David Brent Himself: "Comedy is a place where the mind goes to tickle itself."
7.16 PDA Holly Herself: "I'm not saying it won't be hard, but we can make it work."
7.22 Goodbye, Michael Michael Himself: "This is going to feel so good getting this thing off my chest."
9.05 Here Comes Treble Creed

Clark: "There's no way you guys are making this magic with just your mouths."

9.26 Finale Michael Dwight: "Michael, I can't believe you came."

#Opportunity declined.

*Deleted scene.

^That's What *He


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